No, weapons of mass destruction is not one of them.
Communism is not one of them.
The red Chinese is not one of them.
Here they are..............
No.2 - Tribalism
No.3 - Ignorance and Illiteracy
I do not know why, but if you look at things this is what it comes down to. And if you mix the any of the elements you have a ticking time bomb. Just look at all of the problems in the world today. At least one of these is present. And in most cases two and sometimes all three.
Politicians at the highest levels know this, they use it to attract soldiers to do their bidding. They use it to build mobs or armies to do their dirty work.
We will never get rid of religion, people need it. Most cannot function without some form of religion. So, in one form or another, religion is here to stay. It is like the old saying, if there was no god people would invent one.
Tribalism is very difficult to get rid of, but it can and will be done. Maybe another 2,000 years or so, but it will be done. There are examples where tribalism has been rid of in some populations. Not many, but there are a few.
Ignorance and illiteracy are our best hope. It is hard to get rid of, but it is our best hope. It tempers both religion and tribalism. But people seem to need ignorance and illiteracy too, other wise there is no explanation why there is so much of it. In this ignorance and illiteracy is sort of like religion.