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The following are notes my grandfather, Roman Benavidez kept when he was a justice of the peace in the late territorial and early statehood period for precinct No. 12, which was in San Miguel County, Rowe, New Mexico. His papers are in the possession of my sister in Albuquerque. She copied the documents from the original and I am using what she transcribed. The translation from Spanish to English is mine.
SPANISH - with associated mispellings.
Territorio de Nuevo Mejico
Samuel Dean
Este dia 13 de Septiembre, AD 1909
Comparecio el Senor Mauricio Archuleta por medio de una reclaracion jurada acusando en ella a Samuel Dean por atropeo a su propiedad y familia. Una orden de aresto fue puesta en manos de Cristoval Padia que dipute. Asi mismo, para el testigo. Y el diputado retornando y precentando el acusado anvas partes convienieron y entraon en un areglo dando una fianza a Samuel Dean de las suma de cien pesos y por el periodo de cies mezes en favor de Maraucio Archuleta y su familia y propiedad la cual fur aprovada por mi este dia 13 de Septiembre A.D. 1909.
Roman Benavidez
Juez de Paz
Prto. No. 12
Territory of New Mexico
Samuel Dean
On this date, 13 September, A.D. 1909
There appeared before me Mr. Mauricio Archuleta with a sworn declaration accusing in it Samuel Dean of abusing his (Mr. Mauricio Archuleta's) property and his family. An order (warrant) of arrest was placed in the hands of Cristoval Padia that I deputized. The same warrant was for the witness. The deputy returned and presented (to the Justice of the Peace, Roman Benavidez) the accused. Both parties agreed and entered into an arrangement which placed a "bond" on Samuel Dean a sum of one hundred dollars ($100.00) and for a period of six months in favor of Mauricio Archuleta and his family and property and which was approved by me this date 13 September A.D. 1909
Roman Benavidez
Justice of the Peace
Prct. No. 12
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