Thursday, September 22, 2016

Historical Writing, From Cuneiform And Cave Drawings To Facebook. Why Was It Written As It Was And/Or Is?

Ask yourself the question! Why was it written? What was the objective of the writer? What were the writers goals. Actually these questions can be asked of novels and historical novels and even just plain articles, webposts and Facebook posts. Some publications can be deciphered pretty quick as to motives for having been written, others not so mush. Especially when written as "serious history"!
So why were the publications listed below written?

Commerce on the Prairies? It was meant for publication. Why does that make a difference? Well Josiah Gregg had a reason for writing the book. All you have to do is read it and seriously ask yourself the question.

Sears and Roebuck catalog? Was or is it historical? It is used as a historical publication on occasion. Both Sears and Roebuck had their reasons for publishing the catalog. Sales, profit in their pocket was the reason.

Blood and Thunder? The "role" played by Kit Carson in the conquest of the Navajo. Why was it written? To make Kit Carson and his story heroic and maybe make it into a movie.

Cave drawings? You think the person drawing them was looking for fame or hero hood? I think not.  The individual was just bored and drawing something that came into his mind. Don't let the archaeologists fool you, they do not know any better than you or I why they were drawn.

The Lost Pathfinder? The travels in the southwest by Zebulon Montogomery Pike. A pretty good historical account of Pike's travels in the area. Remember it was written by someone else using his dispatches back to the American government.

Decision Points? Written about George W. Bush about George W. Bush. Take a wild guess as to why it was written.

My life? Written by Bill Clinton about Bill Clinton.... Take a guess about the reasons for this "historical" account.

Rousseau and Revolution? Written by Will and Ariel Durant. Read it and find out.

Death Comes to the Archbishop? Written by Willa Sibert Cather. She wanted to destroy the heroic image New Mexicans had of Padre Jose Antonio Martinez. Sad to say she did a bang up job of it too.

Modern day newspapers? Take a guess why they are written the way they are.

Facebook posts? Puckered lips and all, like some crazy teen?

Well I hope you get the picture. Books in general and historical books in particular are written for a reason. Most times, the truth be told, there is an ulterior motive, sometimes sinister or injurious to someone or something.

The bottom line is look for the motive behind the writing, it is there. You do not need to be a Sherlock Holmes to figure it out. But you do have to look for it.

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