Saturday, December 12, 2009

A New Mexican Patriot, Hung For Treason!!!!!

don Antonio Maria Trujillo was a true New Mexican Patroit. And he paid the ultimate price for his patriotism. New Mexicans owe don Antonio a huge debt of gratituide for his sacrafice. We ought to petition the State for a memorial in his honor.

don Antonio Maria Trujillo was the first person hung under the United States government after they invaded and annexed New Mexico. He was hung April 16, 1847 in Santa Fe.

don Antonio was a native of Santa Fe and had been appointed as Inspector of Arms by the Mexican government in Mexico City. He was tried and convicted for treason by Judge Joab Houghton on March 16, 1847. Two of the principal pieces of evidence were the following documents which the government of the United States intercepeted:

Document 1 was delivered to don Antonio Maria Trujillo......

To the Defenders of Their Country:
With the end to shake off the yoke imposed upon us by a foreign government and as you are Inspector General, appointed by the legitimate Commander for the supreme government of Mexico, which we proclaim in favor of, the moment that you receive this communication you will place in readiness all of the companies under your command, keeping them ready for the 22nd day of the present month, so that the forces may be on the day relentless at that point. Take the precaution to observe if the forces of the enemy advance any toward those points, and if it should so happen, appoint a courier and dispatch him immediately so that diversions may be doubled. Understant that there must not be resistance or delay in giving the answer to the bearer of this official document.

Document 2 was written by don Antonio Maria Trujillo........

By the Order of the Inspector of Arms.
don Antonio Maria Trujillo: I here - unto you send this order that the moment this comes into your hand you will raise all of the forces together with all the inhabitants that are able to bear arms, connecting them also with persons in San Juan Caballeros, by the morning of the 22nd day of the present month, and no later than 8 O'clock in the morning. We have declared war with the Americans and it is now time that we take our arms in our hands in defence of our prostrate country. You will be held responsible if you fail in the execution of the above order.

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