The image is of Onate and the New Mexico founding families.
From New Mexico Blue Book 1997-1998
The following is a list of the founding Spanish families of New Mexico in 1598. The research was done by Antonio Gilberto Espinosa for the Coronado Cuarto Centennial Commission, 1939-1940.
Acebo Algecira Alonso Amiura Arechuleta Ayrdi Bañulids Baradna Benehuma Bernal Barrios Brito Bocanegra Bustillo Brondate Cabinillas Cáceres Cadimo Carvajal Castro Castellano Catalán Calvo Carrasco Cèsar Chaves Cogedo Colodro Cortèz Cruz Cordero Díaz Diez | Donis Duran Escalante Escarramad Espinosa Farfán Fernández Flores Francisco García Gomez González Griego Guzmán Guillèn Guevarra Hernández Herrera Heredia Hinojos Holguin Jorge Lara Ledesma León Lizama López Lucas Lucero Manzoneda Márquez Martin Martinez | Medel Melgar Mexia Montesinus Montaño Montoya Monzón Morales Morán Moreno Munuera Naranjo Olague Oñate Ortega Pedraza Peñalosa Pèrez Pineiro Quesada Ramírez Rangel Rascón Requirno Reyes Rio Rivas Rivera Robledo Rodriguez Roja Romero Rua | Rijato Saldivar Sanchez Santillán Sarinana Segura Serrano Simón Sosa Tavora Torres Tordesillas Treviño Trujillo Vaca Valencia Vanda Varela Vargas Vásquez Vayd Vega Velasco Vellido Velman Vido Villagrá Villalba Ximenes Xuarez Xranzo Ysasti Zaldivar |
After 67 years of wondering what to call myself, my family always refered to themselves as Spanish, I finally hit on the perfect description, I call myself a "New Mexican." This honors my Mexican, Indian, and Spanish heritage.
I am related to at least six of the Founding Families, maybe more, and have the distinction found in many old families in New Mexico of being my own cousin.
this list is incorrect
where is Ortiz and Baca?
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