Friday, April 24, 2009

Book Review for "New Mexico's Future" by E.L. Moulton

The book "New Mexico's Future" by E.L. Moulton was a research study to determine what New Mexico ought to do to incorporate returning soldiers from World War two. The book is authored by E. L. Moulton but the committee was chaired by O.M. Lowe, Chairman of the Federal Reserve District.

A very interesting book, especially for the times. It gives a very special view of the times. The book was printed in 1945. It addresses many interesting things about the pre and what was expected of the post war years. But the most interesting thing that jumped out to me when I started reading the book was that not one, zero, nada Hispano New Mexican were included in the group who came up with the document. Not one out of a total of fiftey one (51). Can you believe that?

Can you imagine something like that now? 1945 was not that long ago, but as far as Hispanos in the New Mexican Government it is a lifetime. Hispanos have come a long way, a very long way in what is the Hispano homeland, in the United States, New Mexico.

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