Thursday, February 14, 2013

Politics and Hispanos and New Mexican Hispanos, Some Thoughts

The biggest, and probably the only things we "Hispanos/Hispanics" living in the good ole U.S.A. have in common with each other is a tie, however small that tie is, to the Iberian Peninsula (Spain) and the fact that we are citizens of the United States. We may share other things in common.... Maybe Catholicism, maybe the use of the Spanish language, maybe some aspects of a cultural tie. But the only real ties is that tenuous tie to Spain and our current citizenship.
Click on the highlighted words for a Wikipedia defination.

Some major politicians and both major political parties do not seem to get this. They appear to think of us as one big group. And we are not. No where close to being one big group. They seem to be looking for an "Hispanic" that will appeal to all of us. That will probably not happen. I recall Supreme Court Justice Sonya Sotomayor reminding New Mexicans she was not a Mexican, new or other wise, she identified herself as a Nuyorican. I can see where she was coming from. I can see that very clearly.

New Mexico Hispanics whose ancestors were here when the American occupation happened are, for the most part, mestizos with a unique history and culture.  415 years removed form the time our ancestors came to New Mexico from what was then New Spain (Mexico).  Almost 500 years removed from Spain. That is a long time when you stop to think about it.

We share a lot more with Mexicans from Mexico than we do with a Spanish Spaniard of today. Some would prefer otherwise, pero es asi como es. We have little in common with Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Ecuadoreans, Peruvians etc., etc.

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