Monday, January 25, 2016

History is not always kind to you and I

History is not always kind to you and I. Sometimes it can be downright cruel. It can be glossed over for sure, but if the truth comes out it is most likely painful for those wishing to know and somewhat understand the truth. The history of the world, the country, the region, state, city or family is most likely not what everyone imagines. The truth may not be every ones cup of tea.
Sometimes the truth does hurt, it hurts us as individuals, as a group, whatever the group may be and it hurts as a nation. Especially if you begin to understand what it took, what was done to get to where we are today. It is not always pretty, not what we thought it was. But is is history, however much we want to buy into it or avoid it. And the knowledge of history is liberating in many ways.
Then there are the rose colored glasses. If you want to use them they filter history to allow us to see what we want to see.
For folks doing genealogy the glasses eventually come off, they will eventually come off if the research is done right, if the research is correct. It is interesting to the nth degree, no doubt about it. But, and this is  a big but, you have to have the stomach for it.